Open Air Kindergarten (OAK)

Join the adventure! Open Air Kindergarten (OAK)!
We have exciting news! For the 2021/2022 School year we will be offering Open Air Kindergarten.
Want your child to have the best possible kindergarten experience? Have concerns about Covid and your young child?
The research is very clear. Students participating in outdoor and play focused learning have:
Academic advantages;
Health benefits;
Wellness benefits and;
Appreciation for Nature and the outdoors.
Our Program offers Safe and Inspiring learning environments (inside and out)! Our goal is two hours of additional outside time with access to a beautifully appointed kindergarten room anytime the weather is not cooperating.
Open House, Feb 3 at 6:00pm. Check-in starts at 5:50pm at the link below. Call or email if you have any issues! 780 459-3990 // Click here to join the meeting
Optional full time, everyday programming at a cost.
For more information contact Principal Shannon Requa: 780 459-3990 //