Our School

Grades Taught

Kindergarten - Grade 9


Located in the City of St. Albert, Sturgeon Heights School serves students from Kindergarten to Grade 9. In addition to excellent academic programming, the school offers a range of programs to meet student needs.




Dan Requa

Vice Principal: Adriana DeLuca


Trish Murray-Elliott


With a passion for excellence, we work together to inspire, learn and achieve, while modeling respect for all learners in a safe and caring school community that puts the student first.


At Sturgeon Heights School students are engaged in learning and supported to become ethical and informed citizens of tomorrow.


Citizenship: We understand and model the importance of positive relationships, greater self-discipline and active citizenship. We believe in the development of character, integrity, honesty, compassion and fairness. 

Environment as teacher: Our classrooms are exciting and stimulating environments for learning. We use innovative and research-based methods of teaching that are student-centered and promote lifelong learning. 

Student Voice: We value the unique abilities and gifts our students bring to the classroom. Programming is adaptive and inclusive and helps all our students contribute to our school and shape their own learning. 

Assessment: Regular and ongoing feedback helps everyone. We believe feedback should be specific, informative and delivered in positive language that identifies areas of growth and encourages all students to strive for personal success. 

Being active: All staff and students are physically active every school day. Activities are designed to build skills, positive character and contribute to an active and healthy lifestyle. 

Leadership: Building leadership capacity is critical for a positive and productive culture of learning. We cultivate leadership in staff, students and parents for the good of the individual, the school and the community.